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Leaf Surface Sterilization Protocol


May Lab

Associated project

2017 QUMAFE pilot project




This protocol documents surface sterilization of leaves for fungal endophytes assay using ethanol and bleach.


  • Sterile Water.
  • 70% Ethanol.
  • 70% Bleach.
  • 5 beakers (1 for each of the 5 treatments).
  • Forceps.
  • This should be performed in a BSL1 or BSL2/laminar flow hood to keep the leaves in a sterile environment.


  1. First wash: Rinse with sterile water to remove dusts.

  2. Second wash: Place the plant sample in 70% ethanol for 1 minute.

  3. Third wash: Place the plant sample in Bleach (50% or higher) for 2 minutes.

  4. Fourth wash: Place the plant sample in 70% ethanol for 1 minute.

  5. Fifth wash: Rinse the plant sample off in sterile water.

  6. Leaves are now surface sterilized and can be placed into sterile 50mL tubes,then into -80 storage.

Hazardous Waste Handling

  • Ethanol and bleach wastes can be poured down the sink with large amounts of water.

  • Any plant samples that are not used should be bagged and stored in freezer for further use or autoclaved and disposed of in the garbage.

Last update: October 20, 2022