Sartorius Balance COM Port Settings
To detail steps to connect Sartorius Balance with Computer to measure hydraulic conductivity.
- Balance, computer and software all must match
- Balance is hardest to change, so use defaults unless necessary
- You need a serial-port-to-USB cable.
- Download conduct.verX.xls file
- Open it in excel, enabling the macros.
- Software: StrokeReader ActiveX
- Baud rate (bits per second): 1200
- Data bits: 7
- Parity: odd
- Stop bits: 1
- Flow control: Hardware (may also be called hardware handshake CTS)
Computer Settings
Open "Device Manager"
Expand "Ports (COM & LPT)"
Find your port (should be USB converter)
Note port number (varies by device)
On "Port settings" tab, change settings to match above.
Software Settings
Option A
Make sure "Developer" ribbon is enabled in excel.
Click "View Code"
Under the submodule "connect()", change settings
- Will likely only need to change "Sartorius Connection Port"
Option B
Make sure "Developer" ribbon is enabled in excel.
Click "Design Mode" - little box that says "COM" should appear
Select little box & open "Properties" (on ribbon or right-click menu). Make changes and close.
Turn off "Design mode" to use tool.
Last update:
November 1, 2022