FAB N-min Preparation
We measure nitrogen mineralization in order to better understand how species diversity and composition will affect nitrogen cycling in the system.
Materials Needed
Process preparation
- Specimen containers
- Cans
- Sandwich bags
- Barcoded labels
- Blank Avery Labels
- KCl
- Scale
- Spatula
- Weigh container
- Deionized water in designated KCl carboy
- Rubber bands
- Autopipetter
Detailed methods
Barcode Labels
- Contact Dan Bahauddin to "print barcode labels for N-min". He will need an excel with initial and final dates along with project and plot numbers.
Non-barcode Labels
- See template here. Edit the dates.
Soil tubes
- Scrub and clean the inside of the soil tubes and ensure the black line is still visible at 15 cm from the bottom of the tube. If black line is not obviously visible, draw a line with a permanent sharpie at the 15cm mark from the bottom.
Sandwich bags (s)
Barcode label sandwich bags for soil sampling. Use the barcode label (s).
Sort the labeled bags by plot number. Bundle every 25-30 plots
Wrap a rubber band around each bundle of bags and place the bags in a paper bag. Label the paper bag FAB 2 soil sampling
Cans (c)
Make sure all cans are empty and that the caps are on the bottom of the can. Cans are located in the closet in the chemistry room with all of the fridges.
Barcode label all cans on the cover of the cans with the labels marked for the cans specifically. The labels will have a c in the barcode.
Keep the tins in order by plot number so that it is easy to find the correct can later on.
Weigh all cans with lids on the weigh program. Open the E141 weigh program. Click on “Soil N”. Click on “Empty Can”.
Place a can on the scale and scan the barcode on the can. Make sure the mass comes up in the mass bar and then click enter to move to the next can.
Label all of the trays with labeling tape. The label should include the month, year, FAB2, “initial nmin”, and the tray number.
Specimen Cups
- Barcode label the specimen cups (v) with the labels. The labels will have a v in the barcode. Label the specimen cups so that the labels are placed vertically along the cup with the left side of the label located at the top of the cup. The cups are located in the FAB office.
- Cap the cups.
- Label all trays with labeling tape. The label should include the month, year, FAB2, “initial nmin”, and the tray number.
- Weigh the empty cups with the cap on the weigh program. Open the E141 weigh program. Click on “Soil N”. Click on “Vials with Solution” (The cups will be empty!).
- Place an empty cup on the scale and scan the barcode on the cup. Make sure the mass comes up in the mass bar and then click enter to move to the next cup.
- Place the trays orderly on a table or the FAB office.
Controlled Incubation:
- Non-barcode label cups vertically with “Initial Controlled Incubation (k) - Cup” labels and record weights with caps through excel.
- Sort by plot in numerical order in tray and label all trays with labeling tape. The label should include the month, year, FAB2, “controlled incubation”, and the tray number.
See Dan if there are any questions about the weigh database program.