NPS Aspen Products
Grossman J, Deacon N, Schweiger AK, J Cavender-Bares (2018). The mystery of Smith's aspen: Uncovering the genetic identity and climate change vulnerability of a hybrid Pleistocene relic. Ecological Society of America Meeting. New Orleans.
Deacon, N. J., J. J. Grossman, and J. Cavender-Bares. 2019. Drought and freezing vulnerability of the isolated hybrid aspen Populus x smithii relative to its parental species, P. tremuloides and P. grandidentata. Ecology and Evolution 9:8062-8074.
Deacon, N. J., Grossman, J. J., Schweiger, A. K., Armour, I., and Cavender-Bares, J. (2017). Genetic, morphological, and spectral characterization of relictual Niobrara River hybrid aspens (Populus x smithii). American Journal of Botany, 104(12), 1878–1890.
Grossman, J. J., and J. Cavender-Bares. 2019. Consequences of biodiversity shift across phylogenetic scales for aspen and willow growth, survival, and herbivory. Journal of Vegetation Science 30:301-311.
Last update:
October 20, 2022