LOARD Products
Cavender-Bares, J., Sack, L., and J. Savage. (2007). Atmospheric and soil drought reduce nocturnal conductance in live oaks. Tree Physiology 27 (4), 611-620
Center A., Ettereson J.R., Deacon N.J., and Cavender-Bares J. (2016). Seed production timing influences seedling fitness in the tropical live oak Quercus oleoides of Costa Rican dry forests. American Journal of Botany 103(8): 1407-1419.
Koehler, K., Center, A., and J Cavender‐Bares. (2012). Evidence for a freezing tolerance–growth rate trade‐off in the live oaks (Quercus series Virentes) across the tropical–temperate divide. New Phytologist 193 (3), 730-744
Ramirez-Valiente, J.A., Koehler, K., and Cavender-Bares, J. (2015). Climatic origins predict variation in photoprotective leaf pigments in response to drought and low temperatures in live oaks (Quercus series Virentes). Tree Physiology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpv03.
Ramirez-Valiente, J.A., and Cavender-Bares, J. (2017). Evolutionary trade-offs between drought resistance mechanisms across a preciptation gradient in a seasonally dry tropical oak (Quercus oleoides). Tree Physiology 37(7), 889-901.
Ramirez-Valiente, J.A., Etterson, J.R., Deacon, N.J., and Cavender-Bares J. (2018). Evolutionary potential varies across populations and traits in the neotropical oak Quercus oleoides. Tree Physiology 39(3), 427-439.
Center, A. 2015. Physiological and fitness consequences of seasonal
rainfall variation in neotropical live oak seedlings (Quercus oleoides):
implications for global change. (Ph.D.), University of
Deacon, N. 2010. Population genetic structure, pollen dispersal, and
local adaptation in Quercus oleoides forests of Costa Rica. (Ph.D.),
University of
Last update:
November 30, 2022