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Data Storage and Management Introduction

To help keep the lab’s data and documentation of data organized and up-to-date, please follow the lab’s structure detailed below on data storage and organization. This will greatly help any future lab work!

University Shared Drive

Data should be stored in the lab’s university shared drive. Documentation of your data is categorized by project. Please include both raw and processed data and any relevant scripts for the processed data. Always include README text files.

  • If your data is too large to store in the university shared drive, please refer to MSI Tier 2 storage for details. Documentation on location is key.
  • For shared drive and google drive information, refer to the Welcome Package for details.
Shared Drive Path
  • Mac users: cifs://

  • Windows users: \\CBS\Groups\LAB-cavender


Submit your data information to the webpage manager.
Include the following information:

  • Associated project(s)
  • Storage location of your data in the University shared drive along with your metadata (details below).


README Text Files

Please include the following information in README text files regarding your data:

  • What type of data is it?
  • Who collected the data?
  • When was this data collected?
  • How was the data collected? Reference protocols when necessary.
  • Why was the data collected?
  • What type of analyses will this data be used for? Reference to analyses when/if completed.
  • Field/column definitions (include units when applicable)

README text files will be stored in the shared drive along with the accompanying data. On this webpage, you will see the checklist below for a completed or missing README text file, respectively.


In addition to the README text file, all spectra/imaging should specifically have the following documentation:

  • For leaf level and/or canopy level measurements using either the PSR+ or the SVC, ALWAYS include information following this template.
  • For aerial spectra and imaging, please provide the following information:
    • Date and time of flight
    • Location
    • Sensor type
    • Resolution
    • Geographic Coordinate System

Published work

For projects that have published work, there will be a table containing the information below.

Year Year of publication
Citation Complete bibliographic reference of the product
DOI Digital Object Identifier
UMN shared drive Path to location in lab shared drive
Data Direct link to data, if publicly available
Code Direct link to code, if publicly available

Last update: October 24, 2022